New year recap: hello! welcome back to Amretasgraphics!
So, what’s new at (besides the new look)?All the sub pages have been updated with fresh contents:
And a new gallery full of heartfelt artwork is on a preparation. Look what you’ll find in the gallery once it’s ready:
I also decided to post extra gift on the free goodies page: now there’s the ‘classic’ weekly gift (that changes every weekend) plus a monthly gift: a 16 pages coloring book! Head over to the free goodies page and download the gifts. And if you want to get notification by email, don’t forget to join my list.
What’s more besides the graphics? I keep learning! :-) I started to take Lisa Congdon‘s Sketchbook Exploration course on CreativeBug. Now on week 2 and I love it. So refreshing and Lisa’s process in creating her artwork gives me a lot of ideas, too.
And TOMORROW I will start taking Natalie Sisson the Suitcase Entrepreneur‘s 15 Days to Freedom: New Year Blog Challenge. Yeay! Am I challenging myself? You guess it right! It feels good. I’m up for an exciting new year, new adventure, and a new me :D Thank you for hanging in there with me!