My Artful Cup of Java today: folksy flora collection
I started working on the Folksy Flora collection today. Yeay! A lot of ideas on what to produce from the collection: web graphics, prints, patterns and as always, coloring pages, etc. Or maybe elements to create your own stationery or cards? Hmm…why not. I have to get them organized now. It took a whole day to start today, but I do have fun. Keep watching this blog because I will add more regularly :D
Here are some samples from what’s done today:
Created a pattern, too :D feel free to use it for your web / blog if you like it (right-click on the image and save)
As always, it’s not complete without coloring pages, right? :D
Here I made two – the US standard with “colors” and the international A4 size with “colours” – see below what I mean. The high resolution images and PDF files will be available early next week for my list members {get on the list here if you haven’t already}
Ok, hope you enjoy my artful cup of java today. See you on the next post and have a nice weekend everyone!