15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 6. what would be my ideal business model?
Day 6: What would be my ideal business model? Yeay! Probably it's obvious for me already. I create artwork, and then display them on my website, and for now, I plan to sell the digital format of my creations. So it's
From my sketchbook today: herbs garden
I love herbs. Always dream of having an herbs garden. But now I think, I can always have one or many on my sketchbook ;)
15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day5. Bye bye clutter and I’m on my way to freedom!
Day 5: To let go of the old and to install the new Oh, hello, I need to be brave (again) to answer today's challenge. Everyone knows that letting go of old habits, people, things and pretty much everything else that do
Graphicalicious Gifts No. 03/2015
This week: two variations of desktop wallpaper + two variations of facebook covers, a graphicalicious digital paper collage mix with a quote by the brave girl Joan of Arc "I am not afraid. I was born to do this". There's also the
15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day4. That one distraction to remove
Day 4: Removing distractions and reducing your dependence online I think I'm pretty good at putting myself into "the zone" especially when it comes to drawing, writing, even reading, no matter where I sit. No tv nor music would distract me.
15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 3. Those (artful) productivity tools to keep me on track!
Day 3: Productivity tools to keep me on track What? Should I be brave and just admit that - when it comes to my artsy-whimsy life - I'm more of an artsy paper-and-pen girl? Hmm. Why not. It's me. It's truly who
15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 2. What’s that one most important action to do today?
Day 2: I've been asked to identify ONE Most Important Action to take daily for the next two weeks to leverage my business. Yeay! I know! I know what it is! :) I've spent a few weeks now planning, preparing, renewing and