15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 14 – I’m forever a tourist in my own town, and I love it!
Day 14 - I'm forever a tourist in my own town, and I love it! YES! I LOVE this question! ;D I feel alive most of the time I'm out in the city because I play this "tourist game" almost every day.
15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 13 – the ONE thing to help my mind, body and soul
Day 13: the ONE thing to help my mind, body and soul ONE thing only? Ow! I think I have a lot to introduce into my life that is going to help my mind, body and soul
15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 12 – the work and life clutter I am going to remove
Day 12: the work and life clutter I am going to remove Before new year I did a massive clean up and decluttered my space, discarding tens of jumbo garbage bags of things that didn't give me joy anymore, gave away
Graphicalicious Gifts no. 04/2015 February calendar

15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 11 – the one thing I will do each day to get more me-time this year
Day 11: the ONE thing I will do each day to get more me-time this year Are you kidding?? ;-) I've been practicing me-time almost my whole life, perhaps too much, but it came all too naturally. Blame it to my artist
15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 10 – the task I can outsource in the next 2 days
Day 10: the task I can outsource in the next 2 days To be very honest, it's a bit difficult for me to identify what task I can outsource in the next two days as I am in the process of
15 Days to Freedom New Year Blog Challenge: Day 9 – that one system to streamline my life
Day 9: that one system I'm going to introduce to streamline my life Whohoo we're talking about system! This is kind of my priority so I'd take it really seriously :D First, the platform (the website and blog) are up and I've made