A project in memory of Fadjar Sidik: the painter. my father. digging for memories of a life in art. finding myself.
This note was posted on Facebook a few days after my return from Bali in January 2013: “Back on my computer in Jakarta after a curious attempt to trace my father the painter’s footsteps in Bali – during the 50s and
Let love flow
Week 1 after my decision to sweetly bounce back. I made a lot of drawings and sketches, I enjoyed very much the new routine of taking a half an hour break at lunch time to move my hand with a pen
About me + Amretasgraphics: my bounce back story
Jakarta, 26 October 2014 Bouncing back has never been so sweet. For those who know me from my earlier country-style graphics and my website Amretasgraphics, you might remember my ups and downs running the site, my joy every weekend and after office-hours