Amreta Sidik
Amreta Sidik

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stitchy calligraphilistic and so doodlelicious


I'm so thrilled you found your way here!

I create and share on this web studio my crochet hat and cross stitch designs, whimsical doodles, folksy colouring pages, modern and Javanese calligraphy, bouncy brush lettering, intuitive collages and write about my creative journey and artful adventures. Plus I have downloadable gifts that I created to help you discover your own magic. Ready for some creative kicks? Come on in, come explore the fun, stitchy, doodlelicious, graphicalicious magic with me!




on the


``Give yourself permission to be multi-passionate. Show up. Go create your masterpieces. Now. Laugh! Share the love with the world. Soar!``

What do I want to say about me? :)

Well, in summary, I’m a late bloomer. And I’ve learned that no matter how late, you can always bloom. Bloom where you’re planted, or elsewhere. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you can always bloom. Just don’t be afraid to gather all the ingredients: work with love whole-heartedly, curiousity, willingness to fail and learn. Willingness to fall 7 times and get up 8 times.

Ouch, it’s not always easy. I know. I keep falling and getting up again anyway :)

When I was kid, I adored Pippi Longstocking (and I still adore her until now). I wanted to be strong, brave and carefree like her. Growing up I watched The Sound of Music so many times I was a huge fan of Maria von Trapp in the movie, carrying my violin and singing “confidence in me” while jumping around laughing. Later I wanted to be as magical as Mary Poppins. And as cool and as badass as Star Wars’ Princess Leia and now, Rey. And since I couldn’t have a pet, I always wanted to have an R2D2 instead.


An artful happiness.

exploration of wonder and creative mindfulness. be your own magic!

   photos on this page by @chantyaretina


est. 2000